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Vegetable seeds – PARSLEY, STEM FESTIVAL 68 – 4g


6 in stock

Please accept the fact that the colors of the products in the photos may differ from reality for many reasons, such as differences in resolution and monitor settings, lighting during shooting or even graphic editing. This is especially important in the case of online shopping, where we do not have the opportunity to see the product in person before buying.
I am a seller but also a buyer and I know how important the colors of the products you use for your projects are. I am also a designer and most of the photos in my listings are made by me. If you need more information about a product, please contact me before purchasing. It depends on the resolution of the model and individual monitor settings. If in doubt, it is always better to make sure and ask the seller for product details before buying.
Prohibition of copying and dissemination of photos: All provided photos are subject to copyright and remain the property of their owner (Image Owner). The Client (Person/Corporation) undertakes not to copy, alter, reproduce or distribute the photos without the written consent of the Photo Owner. The photos provided to the client are only intended for a specific purpose or project as agreed between the client and the owner of the photo. Any other use of the photos, not related to the contract, requires the written consent of the Photo Owner. Violation of these provisions may lead to the pursuit of legal claims against the Customer.

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Stem parsley – Festival 68 – 4g


A leaf variety recommended for the production of parsley for direct consumption and for drying. The leaves are smooth, green, with a strong aroma, rich in vitamins and mineral salts, and are recommended as an addition to dishes. The plants do not form a thick tap root (forked roots). The first harvest of nasi takes place approximately 100 days after sowing the seeds. In favorable years you can get three sets of leaves. This variety is also suitable for growing under cover. For spring harvesting, it is recommended to sow seeds in August, and for summer and autumn harvesting – from March to June. Sow the seeds in rows every 20-30 cm, to a depth of 1-2 cm. Emergence occurs after approximately 3 weeks. Young plants can be transplanted.


Green color

Seasonality: biennial

Date of sowing directly into the ground: March, April, May, June, July

Pietruszka łodygowa – Festival 68 – 4g


Odmiana liściasta polecana do produkcji pietruszki do bezpośredniego spożycia oraz do suszenia. Liście są gładkie, zielone, o silnym aromacie, bogate w witaminy i sole mineralne, polecane są jako dodatek do potraw. Rośliny nie tworzą grubego korzenia palowego (rozwidlone korzenie). Pierwsze zbiory nasi odbywają się około 100 dni po wysianiu nasion. W sprzyjających latach można uzyskać trzy zestawy liści. Odmiana ta nadaje się również do uprawy pod osłonami. Do zbioru wiosennego zaleca się wysiew nasion w sierpniu, a do zbioru letniego i jesiennego – od marca do czerwca. Wysiewaj nasiona w rzędach co 20-30 cm, na głębokość 1-2 cm. Pojawienie się następuje po około 3 tygodniach. Młode rośliny można przesadzać.


Kolor: zielony

Sezonowość: dwuletnia

Termin siewu bezpośrednio do gruntu: marzec, kwiecień, maj, czerwiec, lipiec

Additional information

Weight 0.04 kg
Dimensions 8.5 × 15.5 × 0.3 cm


I am a seller but also a buyer, and  I know how important the colors of the products you use for your projects are. Therefore, be aware that the colors of the products in the pictures may slightly differ from reality. It depends on the model, resolution and individual settings of your monitor. If you have concerns, it is always better to make sure and ask the seller about the details of the product before buying.

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