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Vegetable seeds – ONION, SEVEN-YEAR – BAIKAL – 2g


11 in stock

Please accept the fact that the colors of the products in the photos may differ from reality for many reasons, such as differences in resolution and monitor settings, lighting during shooting or even graphic editing. This is especially important in the case of online shopping, where we do not have the opportunity to see the product in person before buying.
I am a seller but also a buyer and I know how important the colors of the products you use for your projects are. I am also a designer and most of the photos in my listings are made by me. If you need more information about a product, please contact me before purchasing. It depends on the resolution of the model and individual monitor settings. If in doubt, it is always better to make sure and ask the seller for product details before buying.
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Seven-year onion – Baikal – 2g


A perennial, frost-resistant plant – however, it should not remain in one place for longer than 4-5 years.

The useful part of the plant is tasty, aromatic chives, rich in vitamin C and A and iron.

A perfect addition to raw salads, salads and sandwiches.

Sowing at a depth of 1-2 cm from March to mid-July.

Essential oils found in Baikal onions improve appetite and regulate digestion.

Baikal has similar health properties to common onion. It contains a lot of vitamin C and B vitamins, provitamin A and mineral salts – mainly calcium and magnesium.


Sowing: ½ March – ½ July

Collection: VI–IX

Spacing: 30 x 30 cm

Cebula siedmioletnia – Bajkał – 2g


Roślina wieloletnia, mrozoodporna – nie powinna jednak pozostawać w jednym miejscu dłużej niż 4-5 lat.

Pożyteczną częścią rośliny jest smaczny, aromatyczny szczypiorek, bogaty w witaminę C i A oraz żelazo.

Doskonały dodatek do surowych sałatek, surówek i kanapek.

Wysiew na głębokości 1-2 cm od marca do połowy lipca.

Olejki eteryczne znajdujące się w cebuli bajkalskiej poprawiają apetyt i regulują trawienie.

Bajkał ma podobne właściwości zdrowotne do cebuli pospolitej. Zawiera dużo witaminy C i witamin z grupy B, prowitaminę A oraz sole mineralne – głównie wapń i magnez.


Wysiew: 1/2 marca – 1/2 lipca

Kolekcja: VI–IX

Rozstaw: 30 x 30 cm

Additional information

Weight 0.04 kg
Dimensions 8.5 × 15.5 × 0.3 cm


I am a seller but also a buyer, and  I know how important the colors of the products you use for your projects are. Therefore, be aware that the colors of the products in the pictures may slightly differ from reality. It depends on the model, resolution and individual settings of your monitor. If you have concerns, it is always better to make sure and ask the seller about the details of the product before buying.

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