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Universal autumn fertilizer, For all plants. Hortifoska 1KG – AGRECOL


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Universal autumn fertilizer strengthens plants before winter. Ideal for trees, shrubs, vegetables and flowers. For best results, start in summer.

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Fertilizer features

  1. universal fertilizer for autumn fertilization
  2. suitable for fruit trees and shrubs as well as ornamental plants that winter in the ground
  3. replenishes phosphorus and potassium deficiencies
  4. has a positive effect on the process of autumn lignification of growths
  5. efficiency: 1 kg per 50 m2


  • EC fertilizer
  • phosphorus (P2O5) – 13%
  • potassium (K2O) – 27%

Hortifoska produces granulated, phosphorus-potassium autumn universal fertilizer for fall fertilization. It’s ideal for perennial crops, especially winter trees, shrubs, and creepers. It is also perfect for the cultivation of vegetables and flowering annual plants, because it extends the flowering period and accelerates fruit ripening.

The fertilizer is primarily used to prepare plants for difficult winter conditions. It is worth starting to use autumn fertilizers in summer (even from July, instead of nitrogen fertilizers).

Hortifoska universal autumn fertilizer is packed in a very convenient to use package, provided with a string that allows for multiple closures. The foil packaging blocks moisture, preventing lumps in the enclosed fertilizer. The offer includes 1 kg and 3 kg packages.

The high potassium content accelerates the lignification of the shoots, which protects less resistant plant species from freezing. Potassium regulates the processes of water uptake and evaporation in plants, thanks to which plants are more resistant to water shortage in winter. Phosphorus stimulates plants to produce a healthy and well-developed root system, which translates into better resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Most importantly – Hortifoska universal autumn fertilizer does not contain nitrogen, so it does not stimulate plants to grow intensively and to create young shoots, sensitive to low temperatures. Balanced composition promotes winter dormancy and enhances plant hardiness against frost.

Application method

You can use the fertilizer from mid-July to enhance plant preparation for winter dormancy. However, the best time to start fertilizing with fall fertilizer is August. Then the plants will have time to make optimal use of the nutrients supplied before the onset of winter.

In recent years, changes in our climate have been observed, consisting in a significant extension of the summer-autumn period, which translates into an extension of the vegetation period of plants. So, you can repeat autumn fertilizer application after 2 months.

One should only remember not to delay fertilization until frost, because plants are unable to absorb nutrients from the frozen ground. Fall fertilizer for conifers can also be used in spring, but then it is worth supplementing it with nitrogen fertilizer.


In the recommended period, use 25 g (a handful) * of fertilizer for every 1 m2 of the area on which the plants grow.
Spread the fertilizer evenly around the plant and, if possible, mix it with the top layer of soil, and after use, water it abundantly. The fertilizer in contact with moist soil will gradually dissolve.

* one handful is about 30-40 g of fertilizer.

Package 1 kg

If you’re unsure about this product, feel free to contact our team. We’ll be glad to assist you, explain how the product works, and recommend other suitable options for you. You can also contact with us on our fan page on Facebook – Garden Centre Margaret Mayar.


  • uniwersalny nawóz do nawożenia jesiennego
  • nadaje się do drzew i krzewów owocowych oraz roślin ozdobnych zimujących w gruncie
  • uzupełnia niedobory fosforu i potasu
  • pozytywnie wpływa na proces jesiennego zdrewniania narośli
  • wydajność: 1 kg na 50 m2
nawóz WE
fosfor (P2O5) – 13%
potas (K2O) – 27%
Jesienny nawóz uniwersalny Hortifoska to granulowany nawóz fosforowo-potasowy, przeznaczony do jesiennego nawożenia wszystkich roślin wieloletnich, w szczególności zdrewniałych na zimę: drzew, krzewów, krzewów i pnączy. Doskonale nadaje się również do uprawy warzyw i kwitnących roślin jednorocznych, ponieważ wydłuża okres kwitnienia i przyspiesza dojrzewanie owoców. Nawóz służy przede wszystkim do przygotowania roślin do trudnych warunków zimowych. Nawozy jesienne warto zacząć stosować latem (nawet od lipca zamiast nawozów azotowych).
Hortifoska universal autumn fertilizer is packed in a very convenient to use package, provided with a string that allows for multiple closures. The packaging made of foil prevents the penetration of moisture into the interior of the packaging, thanks to which the fertilizer enclosed in it does not lump together. The offer includes 1 kg and 3 kg packages.
The high potassium content accelerates the lignification of the shoots, which protects less resistant plant species from freezing. Potassium regulates the processes of water uptake and evaporation in plants, thanks to which plants are more resistant to water shortage in winter. Phosphorus stimulates plants to produce a healthy and well-developed root system, which translates into better resistance to adverse environmental factors.
Most importantly – Hortifoska universal autumn fertilizer does not contain nitrogen, so it does not stimulate plants to grow intensively and to create young shoots, sensitive to low temperatures. The balanced composition helps the plants to enter the winter dormancy, and also increases the winter hardiness and frost resistance of plants.
Application method
The fertilizer can be used from mid-July in order to better prepare plants for winter dormancy. However, the best time to start fertilizing with fall fertilizer is August. Then the plants will have time to make optimal use of the nutrients supplied before the onset of winter. In recent years, changes in our climate have been observed, consisting in a significant extension of the summer-autumn period, which translates into an extension of the vegetation period of plants. Therefore, fertilization with autumn fertilizer can be repeated after 2 months. One should only remember not to delay fertilization until frost, because plants are unable to absorb nutrients from the frozen ground. Fall fertilizer for conifers can also be used in spring, but then it is worth supplementing it with nitrogen fertilizer.
W zalecanym okresie stosować 25 g (garść)* nawozu na każdy 1 m2 powierzchni, na której rosną rośliny.
Nawóz równomiernie rozprowadzić wokół rośliny iw miarę możliwości wymieszać z wierzchnią warstwą gleby, a po użyciu obficie podlać. Nawóz w kontakcie z wilgotną glebą będzie się stopniowo rozpuszczał.
* garść to około 30-40 g nawozu.
Opakowanie 1 kg


Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg
Dimensions 22 × 19 × 6 cm


Country/Region of Manufacture


Item Height


Item Width


Material Basis


Unit Quantity


Release Speed




Expiry Date


Compatible Plant Type

All Purpose,Flower,Foliage Plant,Fruit,Garden Plant,Lawn,Potted Plant,Shrub,Tree





Item Length

7 cm

Unit Type



1 kg




Microelements,Iron Sulphate,Magnesium Oxide,Phosphate,Potassium Nitrate



Item Weight

1 kg



Season of Interest



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