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Organic-mineral, Fertilizer for thuja, coniferous and ornamental shrubs- Dendrovit Forte – 0.75 l


33 in stock

Fertilizer for conifers and thuia - Margaret Mayar Garden Centre - UK
Fertilizer for conifers and thuia – Margaret Mayar Garden Centre – UK

Elevate conifers, thuia, and ornamental trees with our organic-mineral liquid fertilizer for conifers and thuia. Ideal for balcony, terrace, and garden plant growth.

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Fertilizer for conifers and thuia as well as ornamental trees and shrubs is a liquid organic and mineral fertilizer. Designed for fertilizing all plants grown on balconies, terraces and gardens. The fertilizer is perfect for nourishing coniferous and deciduous plants. Especially recommended for use in container cultivation of ornamental plants that require special nutrition due to limited space.

As a result of continuous watering of container plants, nutrients are constantly washed out of the soil. The fertilizer used during watering will provide the plants with the appropriate conditions for development.

  • especially recommended for container cultivation of ornamental trees and shrubs
  • it is also suitable for fertilizing plants grown in the ground
  • perfect for feeding plants growing in groups
  • thanks to the combination of mineral and organic ingredients, fertilization is more effective
  • contains biologically active humic substances, supporting fertilization
  • the product works quickly due to the content of minerals
  • the fertilizer is effective and safe for the environment


  • nitrogen (N) – 5.6%
  • phosphorus (P2O5) – 1.5%
  • potassium (K2O) – 3.2%

as well as extracts of humus compounds supporting fertilization.

The fertilizer for conifers as well as ornamental trees and shrubs contains a set of minerals in proportions adapted to the needs of woody plants. The increased dose of nitrogen stimulates the growth of plants and the formation of young, properly colored tissues. Plants deficient in nitrogen may grow poorly and their leaves gradually turn yellow.

Phosphorus stimulates plants to produce an extensive root system, thanks to which plants absorb nutrients and water more efficiently, and consequently are more resistant to drought. In addition, potassium allows the plant to properly manage water. This ingredient stimulates flowering plants. Potassium also improves the health of plants, increasing their resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases.

Application method

The nut serves as a measuring cup for dosing the fertilizer. We apply the fertilizer to the soil under the canopy of trees or shrubs in the period from the beginning of March to the end of August, once every two weeks. The concentration of the fertilizer should be adjusted to the plant species:

  • in the case of heathers and heaths – dilute 5 ml (1/6 cap) of the fertilizer in 1 liter of water,
  • in the case of trees or shrubs – dilute 20 ml (2/3 cap) of fertilizer per 1 liter of water.

The amount of fertilizing solution depends on the size and width of the plant:

  • plants up to 0.5 m high or wide – watered with 1 liter of the resulting solution,
  • plants with a height or width of 0.5 to 1 m – water 2 liters of the obtained solution,
  • larger plants – correspondingly more.

Packaging: 750ml

If you’re unsure about this product, then feel free to contact our team. We’ll be glad to assist you, explain how the product works, also recommend other suitable options for you. You can also contact with us on our fan page on Facebook – Garden Centre Margaret Mayar.



– szczególnie polecany do pojemnikowej uprawy drzew i krzewów ozdobnych

– nadaje się również do nawożenia roślin uprawianych w gruncie

– doskonały do ​​dokarmiania roślin rosnących w grupach

– dzięki połączeniu składników mineralnych i organicznych nawożenie jest skuteczniejsze

– zawiera biologicznie aktywne substancje humusowe, wspomagające zapłodnienie

– produkt działa szybko dzięki zawartości minerałów

– nawóz jest skuteczny i bezpieczny dla środowiska




azot (N) – 5,6%

fosfor (P2O5) – 1,5%

potas (K2O) – 3,2%

a także ekstrakty związków humusowych wspomagających zapłodnienie.



Fertilizer for conifers and thuja as well as ornamental trees and shrubs is a liquid organic and mineral fertilizer. Designed for fertilizing all plants grown on balconies, terraces and gardens. The fertilizer is perfect for nourishing coniferous and deciduous plants. Especially recommended for use in container cultivation of ornamental plants that require special nutrition due to limited space. As a result of continuous watering of container plants, nutrients are constantly washed out of the soil. The fertilizer used during watering will provide the plants with the appropriate conditions for development.


The fertilizer for conifers as well as ornamental trees and shrubs contains a set of minerals in proportions adapted to the needs of woody plants. The increased dose of nitrogen stimulates the growth of plants and the formation of young, properly colored tissues. Plants deficient in nitrogen may grow poorly and their leaves gradually turn yellow. Phosphorus stimulates plants to produce an extensive root system, thanks to which plants absorb nutrients and water more efficiently, and consequently are more resistant to drought. In addition, potassium allows the plant to properly manage water. This ingredient stimulates flowering plants. Potassium also improves the health of plants, increasing their resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases.


Application method

Nakrętka służy jako miarka do dozowania nawozu. Nawóz stosujemy do gleby pod okapem drzew lub krzewów w okresie od początku marca do końca sierpnia, raz na dwa tygodnie. Stężenie nawozu należy dostosować do gatunku rośliny:


w przypadku wrzosów i wrzosowisk – rozcieńczyć 5 ml (1/6 nakrętki) nawozu w 1 litrze wody,

w przypadku drzew lub krzewów – rozcieńczyć 20 ml (2/3 nakrętki) nawozu na 1 litr wody.

Ilość roztworu nawozowego zależy od wielkości i szerokości rośliny:


rośliny do 0,5 m wysokości lub szerokości – podlewane 1 litrem powstałego roztworu,

rośliny o wysokości lub szerokości od 0,5 do 1 m – podlać 2 litrami otrzymanego roztworu,

większe rośliny – odpowiednio więcej.


Opakowanie: 750 ml

Additional information

Weight 0.85 kg
Dimensions 20 × 7 × 4 cm









New: A brand-new unused unopened and undamaged item in original retail packaging







Material Basis


Release Speed





Spring, Summer


Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P2O5) Potassium (K2O) Micronutrients

Plant Type/ Destiny

for thuja, coniferous

Type of packaging


Expiry Date

Located on the package


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