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Fertilizer, Organic-mineral for cacti – 0.35 l


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Organic mineral fertilizer for cactus - Margaret Mayar Garden Centre - UK
Organic mineral fertilizer for cactus – Margaret Mayar Garden Centre – UK

This product is a liquid organic mineral fertilizer for cactus. Intended for fertilizing all varieties of cacti, succulents also coarse plants.

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This product is a liquid organic mineral fertilizer for cactus. Intended for fertilizing all varieties of cacti, succulents also coarse plants.

  • intended for fertilizing succulents, including cacti and other coarse plants
  • optimally selected composition stimulates plants to growth and flowering
  • thanks to the combination of mineral also organic ingredients, fertilization is more effective
  • contains biologically active humic substances, supporting fertilization
  • the product works quickly due to the content of minerals
  • the fertilizer is effective and safe for the environment


  • nitrogen (N) – 1%
  • phosphorus (P2O5) – 0.5%
  • potassium (K2O) – 1.5%

as well as extracts of humus compounds supporting fertilization.

Cacti and succulents are undemanding plants when it comes to nutrients and water. In a natural environment, they grow in a substrate poor in nutrients and water. In such a dry environment, plants have to obtain water differently. Cacti have the ability to extract water from the morning dew they produce. But house cacti do not have this option, so we have to water them.

These plants also require proper fertilization because their nature is disturbed. Cacti grown in our temperate climate are exposed to many stressful factors. Winter temperature changes are an unfavorable factor that negatively affects these plants. Heated rooms when plants should go into a state of rest, as well as airing the rooms, may cause succulents to lose their vigor.

Systematically used fertilizer for cacti ensures that the plants are in good condition and withstand adverse environmental conditions better. Thanks to the balanced doses of ingredients, the plants are firm. Some cacti bloom beautifully, thanks to the enrichment of the fertilizer for cacti with an increased dose of potassium, the plants are stimulated to flower.

Application method

The nut serves as a measuring cup for dosing the fertilizer. We dilute with water 35 ml (1 cap) of fertilizer in 1 liter of water. We use fertilizer during watering, remembering to use the amount of water adapted to the needs of cacti and succulents.

As a rule, these plants need a small amount of water to develop properly. Fertilize the plants every 2-3 weeks in the period from March to October. Fertilize the plants once a month from November to February.

Packaging: 350ml

If you’re unsure about this product, then feel free to contact our team. We’ll be glad to assist you, explain how the product works, also recommend other suitable options for you. You can also contact with us on our fan page on Facebook – Garden Centre Margaret Mayar.

NAWÓZ DLA Kaktusów


– przeznaczony do nawożenia sukulentów, w tym kaktusów i innych roślin gruboziarnistych

– optymalnie dobrany skład stymuluje rośliny do wzrostu i kwitnienia

– dzięki połączeniu składników mineralnych i organicznych nawożenie jest skuteczniejsze

– zawiera biologicznie aktywne substancje humusowe, wspomagające zapłodnienie

– produkt działa szybko dzięki zawartości minerałów

– nawóz jest skuteczny i bezpieczny dla środowiska



azot (N) – 1%

fosfor (P2O5) – 0,5%

potas (K2O) – 1,5%

as well as extracts of humus compounds supporting fertilization.



Cactus fertilizer is a liquid organic-mineral fertilizer. Intended for fertilizing all varieties of cacti, succulents and coarse plants.


Cacti and succulents are undemanding plants when it comes to nutrients and water. In a natural environment, they grow in a substrate poor in nutrients and water. In such a dry environment, plants have to obtain water differently. Cacti have the ability to extract water from the morning dew they produce. But house cacti do not have this option, so we have to water them. These plants also require proper fertilization because their nature is disturbed. Cacti grown in our temperate climate are exposed to many stressful factors. Winter temperature changes are an unfavorable factor that negatively affects these plants. Heated rooms when plants should go into a state of rest, as well as airing the rooms, may cause succulents to lose their vigor. Systematically used fertilizer for cacti ensures that the plants are in good condition and withstand adverse environmental conditions better. Thanks to the balanced doses of ingredients, the plants are firm. Some cacti bloom beautifully, thanks to the enrichment of the fertilizer for cacti with an increased dose of potassium, the plants are stimulated to flower.


Metoda aplikacji

Nakrętka służy jako miarka do dozowania nawozu. Rozcieńczamy wodą 35 ml (1 nakrętka) nawozu w 1 litrze wody. Nawozy stosujemy podczas podlewania pamiętając o dostosowaniu ilości wody do potrzeb kaktusów i sukulentów. Z reguły rośliny te potrzebują niewielkiej ilości wody do prawidłowego rozwoju. Rośliny nawozić co 2-3 tygodnie w okresie od marca do października. Rośliny nawozić raz w miesiącu od listopada do lutego.




Opakowanie: 350 ml

Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 17 × 6 × 4 cm









New: A brand-new unused unopened and undamaged item in original retail packaging







Material Basis


Release Speed





Spring, Summer


Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P2O5) Potassium (K2O) Micronutrients

Plant Type/ Destiny

for cacti

Type of packaging


Expiry Date

Located on the package


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