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Granular fertilizer garden universal-3 kg / Hortifoska /


6 in stock

Granular universal garden fertilizer - Margaret Mayar Garden Centre - UK
Granular universal garden fertilizer – Margaret Mayar Garden Centre – UK

Nourish your plants with Hortifoska granular universal garden fertilizer. Ideal for all garden crops, ensuring proper growth and development.

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Hortifoska universal garden fertilizer is a granulated mineral fertilizer. Generally designed to feed all plants grown in gardens. It contains a set of active fertilizing ingredients in the form of macro- and micro-nutrients necessary for the proper growth also development of plants. Additionally, the balanced composition of individual elements makes the fertilizer universal. Intended for fertilizing all horticultural crops both in the ground and under covers.

  • generally the fertilizer composition is optimal for many plants
  • for fertilizing crops especially vegetables
  • It also works well in fertilizing ornamental plants
  • yield: depends on the plant


  • EC fertilizer
  • nitrogen (N) – 14%
  • phosphorus (P2O5) – 6%
  • potassium (K2O) – 19%
  • magnesium (MgO) – 3.2%
  • Micronutrients: boron (B) 0.04% copper (Cu) 0.1% iron (Fe) 0.2% manganese (Mn) 0.17% molybdenum (Mo) 0.01% zinc (Zn)0.035%

Application method:

Generally use the fertilizer in the doses given below.

Before sowing: spread the fertilizer evenly over the entire surface to be fertilized and mix it with the top layer of soil.

Annuals growing: spread the fertilizer evenly around the plants at a dose not exceeding 50 g / m2.

Perennial crops: spread the fertilizer evenly around the fertilized plants. If possible, then mix the fertilizer with the top layer of soil.

Certainly spreading fertilizer onto wet plants should be avoided.

Adjust the fertilizer dose to the group of plants:

  • tomato cucumber cabbage cauliflower leek celery – dose 80-100 g per 10 m2
  • beetroot carrots parsley lettuce spinach – dose 50-80 g per 10 m2
  • ornamental plants (e.g. pansies chrysanthemums narcissuses tulips) – dose 50-80 g per 10 m2
Fruit trees and shrubs shrubs
  • trees and shrubs before fruiting strawberries raspberries wild strawberries – a dose of 30-60 g per 10 m2
  • fruiting trees gooseberries currants – a dose of 80-100 g per 10 m2
  • young and newly planted conifers – dose 30-60 g per 10 m2
  • older conifers – dose 100-120 g per 10 m2
  • preparation of the ground for a new lawn – dose 40-60 g per 10 m2
  • existing young / perennial lawns – dose 30-50 g per 10 m2
Crops under cover:

Cultivation under cover on substrates with peat or bark

  • seedlings quilts – dose 1 kg per m3 of substrate
  • seedlings – a dose of 2 kg per m3 of substrate

Cultivation under cover on soil

  • pre-vegetation – a dose of 1.5-2 kg per 10 m2 of surface
  • top dressing – a dose of 0.5-0.8 kg per 10 m2 area

Package: 3 kg

If you’re unsure about this product, then feel free to contact our team. We’ll be glad to assist you, explain how the product works, also recommend other suitable options for you. You can also contact with us on our fan page on Facebook – Garden Centre Margaret Mayar.


  • the fertilizer composition is optimal for many plants
  • for fertilizing crops especially vegetables
  • It also works well in fertilizing ornamental plants
  • yield: depends on the plant


EC fertilizer

nitrogen (N) – 14%

phosphorus (P2O5) – 6%

potassium (K2O) – 19%

magnesium (MgO) – 3.2%


boron (B) 0.04% copper (Cu) 0.1% iron (Fe) 0.2% manganese (Mn) 0.17% molybdenum (Mo) 0.01% zinc (Zn) 0.035 %

Hortifoska universal garden fertilizer is a granulated mineral fertilizer. Designed to feed all plants grown in gardens. It contains a set of active fertilizing ingredients in the form of macro- and micro-nutrients necessary for the proper growth and development of plants. The balanced composition of individual elements makes the fertilizer universal. Intended for fertilizing all horticultural crops both in the ground and under covers.

Application method:

Use the fertilizer in the doses given below.

Before sowing: spread the fertilizer evenly over the entire surface to be fertilized and mix it with the top layer of soil.

Annuals growing: spread the fertilizer evenly around the plants at a dose not exceeding 50 g / m2.

Perennial crops: spread the fertilizer evenly around the fertilized plants. If possible mix the fertilizer with the top layer of soil.

Należy unikać rozsiewania nawozu na mokre rośliny.

Dostosuj dawkę nawozu do grupy roślin:


– pomidor ogórek kapusta kalafior por seler – dawka 80-100 g na 10 m2

– burak marchew pietruszka sałata szpinak – dawka 50-80 g na 10 m2

– rośliny ozdobne (np. bratki chryzantemy narcyzy tulipany) – dawka 50-80 g na 10 m2

 Drzewa i krzewy owocowe krzewy

– drzewa i krzewy przed owocowaniem truskawki maliny poziomki – dawka 30-60 g na 10 m2

– drzewa owocujące agrest porzeczki – dawka 80-100 g na 10 m2


– iglaki młode i nowo posadzone – dawka 30-60 g na 10 m2

– iglaki starsze – dawka 100-120 g na 10 m2


– przygotowanie podłoża pod nowy trawnik – dawka 40-60 g na 10 m2

– istniejące młode / wieloletnie trawniki – dawka 30-50 g na 10 m2

Uprawy pod osłonami:

Uprawa pod osłonami na podłożach z torfem lub korą

– kołdry rozsady – dawka 1 kg na m3 podłoża

– sadzonki – dawka 2 kg na m3 podłoża

Uprawa pod osłonami na glebie

– przedwegetacja – dawka 1,5-2 kg na 10 m2 powierzchni

– opatrunek pogłówny – dawka 0,5-0,8 kg na 10 m2 powierzchni

Opakowanie:  3 kg

Additional information

Weight 3.3 kg
Dimensions 25 × 21 × 7 cm

For all garden, Universal


New: A brand-new, unused, unopened and undamaged item in original retail packaging













Material Basis


Release Speed





Spring, Summer, Autumn


Ready to used


A mix of ingredients







Expiry Date

Located on the package




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