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Fertilizer for conifers – 1.2 kg


569 in stock

Granular fertilizer for conifers - Margaret Mayar Garden Centre - UK
Granular fertilizer for conifers – Margaret Mayar Garden Centre – UK

Enhance trees with granular mineral fertilizer for conifers and ornamental trees. Rich in essential nutrients for vibrant growth and color.

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Coniferous fertilizer is a granular mineral fertilizer for conifers. It is intended for the fertilization of all types of conifers also other ornamental trees and shrubs. Its full-value composition rich in nitrogen phosphorus also potassium fully covers the nutritional requirements of conifers which positively influences their uniform growth.

Systematic fertilization ensures the correct color of the needles also the proper condition of the plants. Fertilizer for conifers such as: spruces pines Douglas firs fir trees thujas yews cypresses junipers larches cedars cypresses and other less popular conifers e.g. pine trees araucaria huchen thuja.

  • for feeding conifers also other evergreen plants
  • also suitable for fertilizing deciduous trees and shrubs
  • ensures proper plant growth also intense color of needles scales and leaves
  • dosage depends on the size of the plant (50 g per each meter of height)


  • EC fertilizer
  • nitrogen (N) – 14%
  • phosphorus (P2O5) – 14%
  • potassium (K2O) – 21%

Application method

Use from March to August every 45-60 days. Fall fertilizer should be applied from September.

  1. Measure the right amount of fertilizer depending on the size of the plant:
    • young plants (up to 0.5 m tall) – use 20-30 g of fertilizer
    • older plants – use 40-60 g of fertilizer for every 1 m of plant height
    • creeping plants – fertilize depending on the spreading of the bush / use 40-60 g of fertilizer per 1 m of span
  2. Sprinkle the fertilizer evenly around the plant and mix it with the topsoil if possible.
  3. After applying the fertilizer water the plant abundantly.

One handful is about 30 – 40 g of fertilizer. Generally the fertilizer ingredients are released over a period of about 4-6 weeks.


Packaging: 1.2 kg

If you’re unsure about this product, then feel free to contact our team. We’ll be glad to assist you, explain how the product works, also recommend other suitable options for you. You can also contact with us on our fan page on Facebook – Garden Centre Margaret Mayar.


– do karmienia drzew iglastych i innych roślin zimozielonych

– nadaje się również do nawożenia drzew i krzewów liściastych

– zapewnia prawidłowy wzrost roślin oraz intensywną barwę łusek igieł i liści

– dozowanie uzależnione od wielkości rośliny (50 g na każdy metr wysokości)


nawóz WE

azot (N) – 14%

fosfor (P2O5) – 14%

potas (K2O) – 21%

Coniferous fertilizer is a granular mineral fertilizer. It is intended for the fertilization of all types of conifers and other ornamental trees and shrubs. Its full-value composition rich in nitrogen phosphorus and potassium fully covers the nutritional requirements of conifers which positively influences their uniform growth. Systematic fertilization ensures the correct color of the needles and the proper condition of the plants. Fertilizer for conifers such as: spruces pines Douglas firs fir trees thujas yews cypresses junipers larches cedars cypresses and other less popular conifers e.g. pine trees araucaria huchen thuja.

Conifers are a very specific group of plants because most of them are evergreen plants. Conifers keep needles or leaf scales on each other for a very long time and “replace” them every few or several years. Such plant physiology makes them react very quickly to nutrient deficiencies in the soil and deficiency symptoms persist for a long time on evergreen plant parts. If we do not apply fertilization we can make the conifers irretrievably lose their needles and their re-compaction from the inside of the crown will not be possible. By systematically using fertilizer for conifers we will avoid discoloration of the needles which initially turn yellow then turn brown and die. Long-term nutrient deficiencies can lead to excessive depletion of needles in plants which makes them look unhealthy. Conifer fertilizer prevents yellowing and browning of the needles so they do not fall off prematurely and stay on the plant for a long time. By using fertilizer for conifers we can also restore the proper appearance and health of the needles. Properly nourished plants thicken intensively and grow relatively quickly.

The sprinkling form of fertilizer for conifers is very convenient. It is enough to sprinkle the fertilizer directly within the root ball where the fertilizer will release nutrients under the influence of moisture in the substrate. The fertilizer should not be left in the area of ​​the root neck i.e. under the trunk itself. Unlike liquid fertilizers sprinkled fertilizers last longer because the ingredients in the granules bind to the sorption complex of the substrate and are not washed away too quickly into the soil. For this reason fertilizers for conifers in a sprinkled form are perfect for fertilizing plants in the garden growing directly in the ground.

Fertilizer for conifers should be used especially in spring after the plants have emerged from the dormant period. Then the conifers weakened after winter need an injection of energy for the new growing season. This will enable them to develop young strong and firm shoots. Fertilization must be continued every 45-60 days at a later stage of development of conifers.

We form many conifers. Usually we put on formed hedges from evergreen conifers to protect the garden from the outside world. To create an intimate atmosphere we want a compact dense hedge that will please the eye all year round. Such a hedge should be properly cared for. The maintenance procedures include regular pruning to keep the desired shape but in order for the hedge to produce young growths and thicken properly it is also necessary to use specialist fertilizers for conifers. Then the hedge will be a dense intensely green wall that we care about.

Sometimes we form various fancy shapes from conifers creating a garden bonsai. Plants that are pruned very often should be looked after with proper nutrition. Then the formed balls or other shapes will gain an attractive appearance thanks to appropriate compaction.

Conifers with specific requirements

Some conifers require an acidic substrate to develop properly. Usually when planting we enrich the substrate with acid peat or soil. But after some time of cultivation the soil becomes sterile and loses its properties. When the substrate has lost its acidic reaction in the cultivation of acidophilic conifers it is worth using an acidifying fertilizer.

In some cases the nutrient deficiencies are so great that the essential color of the needles is lost. If the needles turn brown then it is worth using intervention fertilizer i.e. fertilizer for conifers against browning of needles which in addition to the basic nutrients contains magnesium which helps to restore the proper color of the needles.

Growth and the use of fertilizers for conifers

Many people ask themselves: “what to do to prevent conifers from growing too tall?” Additional fertilization is enhanced by the fact that the plant grows even more intensively which is why some people are afraid to use fertilizers for conifers for fear that they will grow too high. No fertilization at all – this is a bad solution. How to reconcile fertilization with the preservation of a small tree in a small garden? In nature native conifers reach enormous sizes and we do not always have a place in the garden to plant a tree that will literally exceed our expectations after some time. Currently in the process of breeding many ornamental varieties have been created from basic species that do not reach monstrous sizes. For example: the popular silver (prickly) spruce grows up to 30 m but if you want a smaller equivalent of this tree it is worth buying one of the blue spruce varieties e.g. ‘Koster’ ‘Hoopsii’.

In a situation where we already have this plant and we cannot replace it we must deal in a different way to limit its growth. It often happens that we put a Christmas tree in the garden. The most rapidly growing species usually cultivar-free are used for typical Christmas trees because they are the cheapest and the fastest to produce. Once the tree has taken root in the garden and is starting to grow rapidly the question arises: how to stop its growth? Well here it is only helpful to properly shape and trim the conductor. We give a conical shape when cutting a typical “Christmas tree”. Don’t be afraid of cutting too much or damaging the plant. Cutting has a very positive effect on the plant as it thickens it. This treatment should be performed at least once a year to prevent excessive growth. The best date is the turn of April and May. However we should remember that these treatments still do not exclude the use of fertilizers for conifers.

Soil for conifers

In their natural environment i.e. in the forest conifers have constant access to nutrients thanks to the constant metabolism that takes place in the litter. Falling leaves needles cones dead fauna are organic matter that decomposes and transforms into macro- and microelements. Such mulch is a life-giving force for plants and it is tempting to take it to your own garden. But under no circumstances should you do this! The destruction of forests is forbidden and by taking such mulch we can do more harm to ourselves than good to the garden. Litter is part of a very complex ecosystem where there are not only positive but also harmful microorganisms such as bacteria fungi and pests with which the entire ecosystem such as the forest copes well. However in the garden it is an undesirable element because we may have a problem with diseases that are difficult to deal with e.g. armillary root rot. Therefore let’s not treat forest litter as the best fertilizer. In the garden we use composted and healthy bark mulch (free from pathogens). For fertilizing in the garden it is worth using specialized fertilizers for coniferous plants. Especially since in gardens we usually try to maintain a spotless order by cleaning up needles leaves and other organic matter that could break down and nourish the conifers. Hence the enormous need for our plants – the owners of conifers to supply our plants.

Metoda aplikacji

Stosować od marca do sierpnia co 45-60 dni. Nawóz jesienny należy stosować od września.

1. Odmierz odpowiednią ilość nawozu w zależności od wielkości rośliny:

– rośliny młode (do 0,5 m wys.) – stosować 20-30 g nawozu

– starsze rośliny – stosować 40-60 g nawozu na każdy 1 m wysokości rośliny

– rośliny płożące – nawozić w zależności od rozstawu krzewu / stosować 40-60 g nawozu na 1 m rozpiętości

2. Rozsyp nawóz równomiernie wokół rośliny iw miarę możliwości wymieszaj go z wierzchnią warstwą gleby.

3. Po zastosowaniu nawozu roślinę obficie podlać.

Jedna garść to około 30 – 40 g nawozu. Składniki nawozu uwalniają się w okresie około 4-6 tygodni.

Opakowanie: 1,2 kg

Additional information

Weight 1.4 kg
Dimensions 22 × 19 × 5 cm

For conifers


New: A brand-new, unused, unopened and undamaged item in original retail packaging













Material Basis


Release Speed





Spring, Summer, Autumn


Ready to used


A mix of ingredients







Expiry Date

Located on the package




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