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Fertilizer Organic-Mineral for orchids – 0.75 l


45 in stock

Organic-mineral fertilizer for orchids - Margaret Mayar Garden Centre - UK
Organic-mineral fertilizer for orchids – Margaret Mayar Garden Centre – UK

Enhance plant growth with our liquid organic-mineral fertilizer for orchids. Ideal for Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, and Cattleya. Also great for flowering plants.

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This fertilizer is a liquid organic-mineral fertilizer for orchids. Designed to feed all species of orchids, such as Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Dendrobium and Cattleya. We also recommend using it to fertilize all other flowering plants.

  • balanced fertilizer for feeding all species of orchids
  • works well in the fertilization of other flowering plants
  • thanks to the combination of mineral and organic ingredients, fertilization is more effective
  • contains biologically active humic substances, supporting fertilization
  • the product works quickly due to the content of minerals
  • the fertilizer is effective and safe for the environment


  • nitrogen (N) – 0.5%
  • phosphorus (P2O5) – 0.2%
  • potassium (K2O) – 0.7%

as well as extracts of humus compounds supporting fertilization.

Most orchids imported from tropical climates as ornamental plants are epiphytes – plants that grow on trees where the roots are spread loosely on tree branches without contact with the ground. This is why some home-grown orchids (Phalaenopsis) grow in a special substrate made of bark. Orchid fertilizer works very gently, so there is no risk of damaging the very delicate orchid roots.

The fertilizer for orchids has very carefully developed doses of nutrients that will not cause over-fertilization of plants. Due to the potassium content in the amounts required by the plants, the plants bloom intensively and the flowers stay on the plant for a long time. In addition, potassium keeps the leaves and flowers firm and the shoots strong.

Application method

The nut serves as a measuring cup for dosing the fertilizer. We dilute with water 25 ml (3/4 cap) of fertilizer in 1 liter of water. In the period from March to October, the plants should be fertilized with each watering. In the remaining period, fertilization should be abandoned to allow the plants to enter the winter dormancy.

We use the fertilizer when watering, depending on the watering method:

  • traditional watering with a watering can with a solution of fertilizer and water,
  • an orchid in a special pot with a raised bottom,
  • dipping plants in a bowl of fertilizer solution with water during watering.

Package:  0.75 L

If you’re unsure about this product, then feel free to contact our team. We’ll be glad to assist you, explain how the product works, also recommend other suitable options for you. You can also contact with us on our fan page on Facebook – Garden Centre Margaret Mayar.



– zbilansowany nawóz do karmienia wszystkich gatunków storczyków

– dobrze sprawdza się w nawożeniu innych roślin kwitnących

– dzięki połączeniu składników mineralnych i organicznych nawożenie jest skuteczniejsze

– zawiera biologicznie aktywne substancje humusowe, wspomagające zapłodnienie

– produkt działa szybko dzięki zawartości minerałów

– nawóz jest skuteczny i bezpieczny dla środowiska



azot (N) – 0,5%

fosfor (P2O5) – 0,2%

potas (K2O) – 0,7%

a także ekstrakty związków humusowych wspomagających zapłodnienie.


Orchid fertilizer is a liquid organic-mineral fertilizer. Designed to feed all species of orchids, such as Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Dendrobium and Cattleya. It is also recommended for use in the fertilization of all other flowering plants.

Most orchids imported from tropical climates as ornamental plants are epiphytes – plants that grow on trees where the roots are spread loosely on tree branches without contact with the ground. This is why some home-grown orchids (Phalaenopsis) grow in a special substrate made of bark. Orchid fertilizer works very gently, so there is no risk of damaging the very delicate orchid roots. The fertilizer for orchids has very carefully developed doses of nutrients that will not cause over-fertilization of plants. Due to the potassium content in the amounts required by the plants, the plants bloom intensively and the flowers stay on the plant for a long time. In addition, potassium keeps the leaves and flowers firm and the shoots strong.

Application method

Nakrętka służy jako miarka do dozowania nawozu. Rozcieńczamy wodą 25 ml (3/4 nakrętki) nawozu w 1 litrze wody. W okresie od marca do października rośliny należy nawozić przy każdym podlewaniu. W pozostałym okresie należy zrezygnować z nawożenia, aby rośliny mogły wejść w stan spoczynku zimowego.

Nawóz stosujemy podczas podlewania w zależności od metody podlewania:

– tradycyjne podlewanie konewką roztworem nawozu z wodą, 

– orchidea w specjalnej doniczce z wypukłym dnem, 

– zanurzanie roślin w misce z roztworem nawozu z wodą podczas podlewania.


Opakowanie:   0,75 l

Additional information

Weight 0.85 kg
Dimensions 20 × 7 × 4 cm







New: A brand-new unused unopened and undamaged item in original retail packaging







Material Basis


Release Speed





Spring, Summer


Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P2O5) Potassium (K2O) Micronutrients

Plant Type/ Destiny

for orchids

Expiry Date

Located on the package

Type of packaging



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