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Fertilizer for roses – Mineral Gel – 1L


10 in stock

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  • to supply cash, discount, park, ground cover and miniature roses
  •  also recommended in compositions with other plants
  •  perfect in the garden, on the terrace and at home
  •  promotes the formation of flower buds


EC fertilizer

nitrogen (N) – 7%

phosphorus (P2O5) – 4%

potassium (K2O) – 7%


boron (B) 0.02%, copper (Cu) * 0.002%, iron (Fe) * 0.02%, manganese (Mn) * 0.015%, molybdenum (Mo) 0.002%, zinc (Zn) * 0.015%

* chelated by EDTA

The fertilizer for roses from the Mineral Gel series is a liquid mineral fertilizer in the form of a gel that can be dissolved in water. It is designed to supply all types of flowers, bedding, garden, park, ground cover, miniature and other utility groups grown in houses, on terraces and in gardens. The gel formula of the fertilizer dissolves very easily in water. The fertilizing solution can be successfully used to fertilize plants grown using traditional methods, as well as in hydroponic cultivation.

One of the basic care treatments in the cultivation of roses is systematic fertilization. The most important ingredient in rose cultivation is potassium, which has a significant impact on flowering. Phosphorus supports flower formation, but is also responsible for building up a strong root system. This makes the plant more resistant to frost. Unfortunately, not always just mounding and sheltering roses for the winter does not guarantee a good wintering. Nitrogen also plays a very important role as it is the main building component of the plant. Rose bushes first produce a young shoot, on which new flower buds later develop, hence there is a high nitrogen demand in roses. Nourished with nitrogen, the leaves are dark green and chlorosis-free.

It is worth paying attention to the content of micronutrients in rose fertilizer, which have an equally important impact on the proper development of roses. As a result of boron deficiency, flowers die off and change color. The fertilizer for roses from the Mineral Gel series contains a balanced dose of boron. It also contains the right doses of molybdenum, which makes rose shoots stronger and stiffer. Poorly nourished rose bushes can be seen with strongly yellowed leaves with reddish discoloration. This type of symptom is a result of a molybdenum deficiency, because too little molybdenum in the soil disturbs the nitrogen uptake by the plant. Thanks to regular fertilization, the bushes are properly nourished and the cut flowers stay in the vase longer.

Application method

The package contains a transparent cap for precise and convenient dosing of the fertilizer. The cap indicates three dosage levels, depending on the amount of water we use for irrigation:

Level I – a dose of 7 ml of fertilizer to be dissolved in 2 liters of water

Level II – a dose of 14 ml of fertilizer to be dissolved in 4 liters of water

Level III – a dose of 21 ml of fertilizer to be dissolved in 6 liters of water

The fertilizer should be used during the intensive and flowering period, as well as in the period preceding flowering, fertilize the plants once a week. During the rest of the growing season, fertilize the plants once a month. Do not exceed the recommended doses, as this could damage or destroy the plants.

Available packages: 1L


  • dostarczać gotówkę, rabaty, parki, okrywowe i miniaturowe róże
  •  polecany również w kompozycjach z innymi roślinami
  •  doskonale sprawdza się w ogrodzie, na tarasie oraz w domu
  •  sprzyja tworzeniu się pąków kwiatowych


nawóz WE

azot (N) – 7%

fosfor (P2O5) – 4%

potas (K2O) – 7%


bor (B) 0,02%, miedź (Cu)* 0,002%, żelazo (Fe)* 0,02%, mangan (Mn)* 0,015%, molibden (Mo) 0,002%, cynk (Zn)* 0,015%

* chelatowane przez EDTA

The fertilizer for roses from the Mineral Gel series is a liquid mineral fertilizer in the form of a gel that can be dissolved in water. It is designed to supply all types of flowers, bedding, garden, park, ground cover, miniature and other utility groups grown in houses, on terraces and in gardens. The gel formula of the fertilizer dissolves very easily in water. The fertilizing solution can be successfully used to fertilize plants grown using traditional methods, as well as in hydroponic cultivation.

One of the basic care treatments in the cultivation of roses is systematic fertilization. The most important ingredient in rose cultivation is potassium, which has a significant impact on flowering. Phosphorus supports flower formation, but is also responsible for building up a strong root system. This makes the plant more resistant to frost. Unfortunately, not always just mounding and sheltering roses for the winter does not guarantee a good wintering. Nitrogen also plays a very important role as it is the main building component of the plant. Rose bushes first produce a young shoot, on which new flower buds later develop, hence there is a high nitrogen demand in roses. Nourished with nitrogen, the leaves are dark green and chlorosis-free.

It is worth paying attention to the content of micronutrients in rose fertilizer, which have an equally important impact on the proper development of roses. As a result of boron deficiency, flowers die off and change color. The fertilizer for roses from the Mineral Gel series contains a balanced dose of boron. It also contains the right doses of molybdenum, which makes rose shoots stronger and stiffer. Poorly nourished rose bushes can be seen with strongly yellowed leaves with reddish discoloration. This type of symptom is a result of a molybdenum deficiency, because too little molybdenum in the soil disturbs the nitrogen uptake by the plant. Thanks to regular fertilization, the bushes are properly nourished and the cut flowers stay in the vase longer.

Application method

Opakowanie zawiera przezroczystą nakrętkę umożliwiającą precyzyjne i wygodne dozowanie nawozu. Nakrętka wskazuje trzy poziomy dozowania, w zależności od ilości wody używanej do nawadniania:

Poziom I – dawka 7 ml nawozu do rozpuszczenia w 2 litrach wody

II stopień – dawka 14 ml nawozu do rozpuszczenia w 4 litrach wody

Stopień III – dawka 21 ml nawozu do rozpuszczenia w 6 litrach wody

Nawóz należy stosować w okresie intensywnego i kwitnienia, a także w okresie poprzedzającym kwitnienie, nawozić rośliny raz w tygodniu. W pozostałej części sezonu wegetacyjnego nawozić rośliny raz w miesiącu. Nie przekraczać zalecanych dawek, gdyż może to uszkodzić lub zniszczyć rośliny.

Dostępne opakowania: 1L

Additional information

Weight 1.3 kg
Dimensions 23 × 9 × 7 cm





I am a seller but also a buyer, and  I know how important the colors of the products you use for your projects are. Therefore, be aware that the colors of the products in the pictures may slightly differ from reality. It depends on the model, resolution and individual settings of your monitor. If you have concerns, it is always better to make sure and ask the seller about the details of the product before buying.

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