Drip for herbs, vegetables and fruit grown in containers is a liquid organic fertilizer intended for fertilizing vegetables, herbs also fruit plants grown in containers, under covers or in the ground. The fertilizer provides basic nutrients for plants and is also a source of organic matter.
Generally recommended for fertilizing, among others: basil, mint, rosemary, thyme, coriander. Ready-to-use fertilizer, without the need to dissolve in water. The fertilizer in a special drip tube is very easy and convenient to use and is automatically released into the ground.
- contains natural substances that condition the substrate
- provides healthy fruit, vegetables and herbs
- supports the production of high, good-quality crops
- in the form of a convenient applicator
- total nitrogen (N) – at least 0.08%
- total phosphorus calculated as P2O5 – at least 0.05%
- total potassium converted to K2O – at least 0.12%
All ingredients are water soluble.
The first fertilizer formula on the market contained in a drip. The fertilizers are completely safe for plants and do not pose a risk of over-fertilization. The drip contains natural substances that regenerate the substrate. The fertilizer contains the basic macronutrients that plants need most for their proper development.
The fertilizer ingredients allow you to obtain healthy crops without the risk of over-fertilization of the plants. Fruits and vegetables are juicy, plump and properly colored. Herbs grow very intensively even with regular pinching and pruning. The components of the fertilizer, regardless of the speed of emptying the drip, work continuously for a month. After one month, another drip can be used.
Application method
The fertilizer is ready for use. Use 1 applicator per 1 plant 1-2 times a month from the beginning of growth to harvesting fruit / vegetables.
How to use the fertilizer in the applicator:
- Tear off the tip of the applicator along the score line.
- Place the tip of the applicator in the ground so that the fertilizer can flow freely to the ground. To make sure that the tip of the applicator is not clogged when placing it in the substrate, it is recommended to lightly press once.
- After emptying the applicator, remove it from the substrate.
Available packages: 35 ml and Box 3×35 ml
If you’re unsure about this product, then feel free to contact our team. We’ll be glad to assist you, explain how the product works, also recommend other suitable options for you. You can also contact with us on our fan page on Facebook – Garden Centre Margaret Mayar.
– zawiera naturalne substancje pielęgnujące podłoże
– zapewnia zdrowe owoce, warzywa i zioła
– wspomaga produkcję wysokich, dobrej jakościowo plonów
– w formie wygodnego aplikatora
• azot ogólny (N) – co najmniej 0,08%
• fosfor ogólny w przeliczeniu na P2O5 – co najmniej 0,05%
• potas całkowity przeliczony na K2O – co najmniej 0,12%
Wszystkie składniki są rozpuszczalne w wodzie.
Kroplówka do ziół, warzyw i owoców uprawianych w pojemnikach to płynny nawóz organiczny przeznaczony do nawożenia warzyw, ziół i roślin sadowniczych uprawianych w pojemnikach, pod osłonami lub w gruncie. Nawóz dostarcza roślinom podstawowych składników pokarmowych, a także jest źródłem materii organicznej.
Polecany do nawożenia bazylii, mięty, rozmarynu, tymianku, kolendry. Nawóz gotowy do użycia, bez konieczności rozpuszczania w wodzie. Nawóz w specjalnej rurce kroplowej jest bardzo łatwy i wygodny w użyciu oraz automatycznie uwalniany do podłoża.
The first fertilizer formula on the market contained in a drip. The fertilizers are completely safe for plants and do not pose a risk of over-fertilization. The drip contains natural substances that regenerate the substrate. The fertilizer contains the basic macronutrients that plants need most for their proper development. The fertilizer ingredients allow you to obtain healthy crops without the risk of over-fertilization of the plants. Fruits and vegetables are juicy, plump and properly colored. Herbs grow very intensively even with regular pinching and pruning. The components of the fertilizer, regardless of the speed of emptying the drip, work continuously for a month. After one month, another drip can be used.
Application method
Nawóz jest gotowy do użycia. Stosować 1 aplikator na 1 roślinę 1-2 razy w miesiącu od początku wzrostu do zbioru owoców/warzyw.
Sposób użycia nawozu w aplikatorze:
1) Oderwij końcówkę aplikatora wzdłuż linii podziału.
2) Końcówkę aplikatora wbić w podłoże tak, aby nawóz mógł swobodnie spływać do podłoża. Aby upewnić się, że końcówka aplikatora nie jest zatkana podczas umieszczania go w podłożu, zaleca się jednokrotne lekkie naciśnięcie.
3) Po opróżnieniu aplikatora zdjąć go z podłoża.
Dostępne opakowania: 35 ml i Box 3×35 ml
I am a seller but also a buyer, and I know how important the colors of the products you use for your projects are. Therefore, be aware that the colors of the products in the pictures may slightly differ from reality. It depends on the model, resolution and individual settings of your monitor. If you have concerns, it is always better to make sure and ask the seller about the details of the product before buying.