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Cockpit SPRAY – Preparation for polishing and maintaining the cockpit – 750ml – ETRO


23 in stock

Please accept the fact that the colors of the products in the photos may differ from reality for many reasons, such as differences in resolution and monitor settings, lighting during shooting or even graphic editing. This is especially important in the case of online shopping, where we do not have the opportunity to see the product in person before buying.
I am a seller but also a buyer and I know how important the colors of the products you use for your projects are. I am also a designer and most of the photos in my listings are made by me. If you need more information about a product, please contact me before purchasing. It depends on the resolution of the model and individual monitor settings. If in doubt, it is always better to make sure and ask the seller for product details before buying.
Prohibition of copying and dissemination of photos: All provided photos are subject to copyright and remain the property of their owner (Image Owner). The Client (Person/Corporation) undertakes not to copy, alter, reproduce or distribute the photos without the written consent of the Photo Owner. The photos provided to the client are only intended for a specific purpose or project as agreed between the client and the owner of the photo. Any other use of the photos, not related to the contract, requires the written consent of the Photo Owner. Violation of these provisions may lead to the pursuit of legal claims against the Customer.

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ETRO – Cockpit spray

Cockpit polishing and maintenance preparation – Fresh



A preparation for polishing and maintaining car cockpits.

Also suitable for other elements made of plastic. The preparation minimizes the impact of UV radiation. Leaves a fresh scent.

Effective and efficient in cleaning any type of car cockpit. He is not afraid of dirt on the dashboard or buttons.

The special formula does not require rinsing and does not leave greasy stains on the cleaned surface. After use, we only get a clean, refreshed and fresh-smelling interior.


Thanks to the innovative technology used, it is very easy to use


How to use:

Shake before use. Before using the preparation, test it on a small, invisible surface of the element to be cleaned. Apply the spray onto the surface from a distance of about 25 cm and wipe it off with a dry cloth after a few seconds. Do not spray the steering wheel, pedals or windows.

Protect from frost. Protect from sunlight.


Packaging: Spray 750ml

ETRO – Spray do kokpitu

Polerowanie kokpitu i przygotowanie do konserwacji – Fresh


Preparat do polerowania i konserwacji kokpitów samochodowych.

Nadaje się również do innych elementów wykonanych z tworzywa sztucznego. Preparat minimalizuje wpływ promieniowania UV. Pozostawia świeży zapach.

Skuteczny i wydajny w czyszczeniu każdego rodzaju kokpitu samochodowego. Nie boi się brudu na desce rozdzielczej czy przyciskach.

Specjalna formuła nie wymaga spłukiwania i nie pozostawia tłustych plam na czyszczonej powierzchni. Po użyciu otrzymujemy jedynie czyste, odświeżone i pachnące świeżością wnętrze.

 Dzięki zastosowanej innowacyjnej technologii jest bardzo łatwy w obsłudze

 Sposób użycia:

Wstrząśnij przed użyciem. Przed użyciem preparatu należy go przetestować na niewielkiej, niewidocznej powierzchni czyszczonego elementu. Nanieś spray na powierzchnię z odległości około 25 cm i po kilku sekundach wytrzyj suchą szmatką. Nie spryskuj kierownicy, pedałów ani szyb.

Chronić przed mrozem. Chronić przed światłem słonecznym.



Additional information

Weight 0.95 kg
Dimensions 32 × 5 × 5 cm


I am a seller but also a buyer, and  I know how important the colors of the products you use for your projects are. Therefore, be aware that the colors of the products in the pictures may slightly differ from reality. It depends on the model, resolution and individual settings of your monitor. If you have concerns, it is always better to make sure and ask the seller about the details of the product before buying.

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